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Creating beautiful plots using matplotlib

A blog post on creating high quality visualisations of COVID-19 data.

This is just an attempt to understand and appreciate an article published on Medium. I wrote this article for my own reference, and it could have been written in a much better way!

First things first: Check your Python version

I wrote this piece on Jupyter Notebook, and downloaded the notebook file in markdown format. My Jupyter Notebook uses Python 3.6.9, and you may encounter issues running this code if your notebook is using older versions, especially Python 2.x.

You can check your Python version by running the following code in your notebook.

import sys
'3.6.9 (default, Apr 18 2020, 01:56:04) \n[GCC 8.4.0]'

If you find that your notebook is running on Python 2.x, all you have to do is to install Jupyter notebook again using the command pip3 install notebook. This will be a separate installtion and doesn’t affect your current installation.

PS: If you don’t have pip3, you can install it using the command sudo apt install python3-pip.

Importing libraries and setting defaults

Without much further ado, let’s get started with the task.

First step is to import all the Python libraries we will require.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline'fivethirtyeight') # Plot style 
matplotlib.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'Liberation Sans' # Open sourse font closest to Helvetica Prints a list of available styles 

Getting an overview of the dataset

Create the dataframe and get the column names

df = pd.read_csv('', parse_dates=['Date'])
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
    print(str(i+1)+". "+df.columns[i])
1. Date
2. Country
3. Confirmed
4. Recovered
5. Deaths

The dataset has Confirmed, Recovered, and Death counts for different countries for different days.

Some more information

print('No. of countries: {}' .format(df['Country'].unique().shape[0]))
print('No. of days: {}' .format(df['Date'].unique().shape[0]))
print('No. of rows: {}' .format(df.index.shape[0]))
No. of countries: 188
No. of days: 116
No. of rows: 21808

That means, the dataset contains daily case count for 188 countries for 116 days. Therefore, thre are \(188 \times 116 = 21808\) rows. This number keeps changing as the database is updated everyday.

Preparing the data for plotting

The dataset contains COVID-19 data for 188 countries. Let’s say we want to plot the case count for only a few countries, say Canada, China, France, Germany, the US, and the United Kingdom. That means, out of the 188 countries in the dataset, we want to pick only these six countries. The smart way to pick only these countries is to use isin() method.

countries = ['Canada', 'China', 'France', 'Germany', 'US', 'United Kingdom']
df = df[df['Country'].isin(countries)]

isin() method returns True if a country name is found in the list countries.

In the above code, the dateframe df is transformed to contain only those countries whose name is in the list countries.

The total number of cases in each country on any day is the sum of confirmed, recovered, and death cases. We find this sum for each country and record it under the new column Cases. Summing over columns is achieved by setting the axis parameter to columns. To sum over rows, the axis parameter should be set to index.

df['Cases'] = df[['Confirmed', 'Recovered', 'Deaths']].sum(axis='columns')

Since we want to plot the number of cases for each country, it would be more intuitive to have countries as columns. Also, since we want the date along the x-axis, we can set the column Date as the index.

Both of these changes can be made in a single shot by using the pivot() method. Note how all our requirements are passed as parameters to the pivot() method.

df = df.pivot(index='Date', columns='Country', values='Cases')

Now, we create a copy of the dataframe for plotting purposes. This is purely a convenience and is not at all a compulsory step. The idea behind this is to keep the original dataframe untouched.

covid = df.copy(deep=True)
covid.columns = countries

copy is a method defined in the DataFrame class. It creates a copy of the calling object. It has only one parameter called deep which is a boolean. Default is deep=True.

If deep=True, a new object is created and both the index and the values of the calling object are copied. This is called deep copy.

Since the new object is not linked to the calling object, changes made to the calling object are not reflected in the new object.

If deep=False, a new object is created but only the references to index and values of the calling object are copied. The actual values of the calling object are not copied. This is called shallow copy.

Here, in contrast to deep copy, the new object is linked to the calling object. Therefore, changes made to the calling object are reflected in the new object as well.

Useful references:


Calculating per capita cases

What we have now is the number cases in each of the six countries. However, this number doesn’t say much about the spread of infection in the country. For example, if UK and US both have 10,000 cases, the situation in the UK will be considered more serious as it’s population is less than that of the US. Therefore, a case count for a given size of population (say 100,000) is a more useful metric. This metric, called the ‘per capita’, for a particular country can be calculated by using the following formula:

\[\text{Per capita cases} = \frac{\text{No. of cases}}{\text{Country's population}} \times 100,000.\]

To calculate per capita cases, we first create a dictionary containing population data for each country. Dictionary is a good choice because it allows us to access an element by a string (country name in our case). We also create a copy of covid dataframe, and assign it to to the variable percapita. Again, this is purely for our convenience – we are plotting two graphs, and we want to keep the corresponding data separate.

populations = {'Canada':37664517, 'Germany': 83721496 , 'United Kingdom': 67802690 , 'US': 330548815, 'France': 65239883, 'China':1438027228}
percapita = covid.copy(deep=True)
for country in list(percapita.columns):
    percapita[country] = percapita[country]/populations[country]*100000

Plotting the total cases

All we have done till now is to select relevant data from a larger dataset. Let’s plot them now.

Let’s first list out what we want to do.

  1. Plot COVID-19 numbers for six countries
  2. There are two numbers for each country: total case count and per capita case count. We would like to plot them in two different graphs. That is, one graph for total case count and a different graph for per capita case count
  3. Each country is represented by a unique color
  4. The final output is an aesthetically pleasing, standalone graph with proper annotations

We can assign colors to each country using a dictionary, and use in as many graphs we want to plot. We can use hex codes to represent colors. Visit for more information.

colors = {'Canada':'#045275', 'China':'#089099', 'France':'#7CCBA2', \
'Germany':'#FCDE9C', 'US':'#DC3977', 'United Kingdom':'#7C1D6F'}
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax = fig.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

covid.plot(color=colors.values(), linewidth=5, ax=ax)
ax.set(xlabel='Date', ylabel='# of Cases')

#Adding country names to corresponding curves
for country in colors.keys():
    ax.text(x=covid.index[-1], y=covid[country].max(), color=colors[country], s=country, weight='bold')
#Adding header
ax.text(x=covid.index[1], y=int(covid.max().max()+(0.15*covid.max().max())), \
s='COVID-19 Cases by Country', fontsize=23, weight='bold', alpha=0.85)

ax.text(x=covid.index[1], y=int(covid.max().max()+(0.05*covid.max().max())), \
    s='For the USA, China, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and \
Canada\nIncludes Current Cases, Recoveries, and Deaths', fontsize=16, \

#Adding reference
ax.text(x=percapita.index[1], y=-70000, \
    s='Source:', \
    fontsize=10, alpha=0.4)
#fig.savefig('covid19_total_cases.png', transparent=False, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

The first step in creating a visualisation in matplotlib is to create a Figure object. We can think of this object to correspond to the whole figure. It is like an empty sheet on which the graph will be plotted.

Next, we will create an Axes object. This corresponds to the actual plot. The Axes object is typically created using subplots() which are instances of Axes class. The number of subplots in a Figure object is determined by nrows and ncols parameters. BY default, these parameters are set to 1.

A Figure object can have many Axes objects, but a given Axes object can only be associated with only one Figure object.

With both the Figure and Axes objects created, we are ready to plot the data. To do this, we use the plot function defined in the DataFrame class in pandas. Note that we haven’t mentioned what should be plotted along x and y axes. The plot() function has considered dataframe index to be along x-axis, and case counts to be along y-axis.

The line color for each country is taken from the dictionary colors. colors.values() returns only the color code for each country.

In the next line, we are formating the values at each major tick mark on y-axis.

StrMethodFormatter('{x:,0f}'): The value at each tick mark is a number. We want to add a comma at an appropriate place. This can be done by calling the SetMethodFormatter(). In the code x represents the value that must be formatted (it should always be x), and 0f denotes that there are no decimal values.

Adding country names to the graph

text() method is used to add text annotations to the graph. While adding text, we have to specify at least two things:

  1. Location of the text in terms of x and y coordinates
  2. The text to be added

Additionally, we can also add other things like color, font, font size etc.

The location of country names for each graph

We again use dictionary colors to choose the country names. Since the country names are keys, the list of countries can be obtained by running colors.keys(). We use the variable country to loop over the elements of colors.keys(). Here country is just a variable name like i, j etc.

X-coordinate: covid.index[-1] – the last element of the index i.e. the right end of the x-axis

y-coordinate: covid[country].max() - the max value for each column. i.e. the largest case count in a day for a particulalr country. In graph, this corresponds to the highest point in the curve.

colors[country]: Picks the color from the dictionary colors.

s=country: country name

alpha: Controls opacity

weight: a numeric value in range 0-1000, ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’ (copied from matplotlib documentation)

Most of these parameters are different for each country. Therefore, we use our dictionary colors and loop over its keys (see the for loop).

Adding the header

Header should be at the top left of the figure. Also it should be well above the graph.

That is, its x-coordinate is close to the origin, and y-coordinate is beyond the maximum y-value plotted in the graph (otherwise, the text will be inside the graph area itself).

Let’s say x-coordinate is covid.index[1]. If you find it too close or too far from the origin, then play around with the index.

Fixing the y-coordinate is a bit involved. First of all it should be more than the largest value plotted in the graph. The largest value is obtained by covid.max().max().

This is how it works: covid.max() returns the largest values for each column in the dataframe. covid.max().max() returns the largest among these values. In other words, we first pick the max value for each country, and then pick the largest value from those values.

The appropriate y-coordinate is obtained by adding some margin to the largest value. By trial and error, I have found that (largest value + 15% of largest value) is a good formula to use.

Similarly, the y-coordinate of the sub-header is fixed using the formula (largest value + 5% of largest value).

covid total cases

Plotting per capita cases

Code for plotting per capita cases is very similar to the one which we used above. The only difference is that we are using a different dataframe.

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax1 = fig1.subplots()
percapita.plot(color=list(colors.values()), linewidth=5, ax=ax1)
ax1.set(xlabel='Date', ylabel='# Cases per 100,000 people')

for country in list(colors.keys()):
    ax1.text(x=percapita.index[-1], y=percapita[country].max(), \
    color=colors[country], s=country, weight='bold')

ax1.text(x=percapita.index[1], y=(percapita.max().max() + (0.15*percapita.max().max())), s="Per Capita COVID-19 \
cases by country", fontsize=23, weight='bold', alpha=0.75)
ax1.text(x=percapita.index[1], y=(percapita.max().max() + (0.05*percapita.max().max())), s="For the USA, China,\
 Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Canada\nIncludes current cases, recoveries,\
 and deaths", fontsize=16, alpha=0.75)
ax1.text(x=percapita.index[1], y=-25,\
fontsize=10, alpha=0.4)
#fig1.savefig('covid1.png', transparent=False, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

covid per capita cases

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